making a lazy susan work hard

i was out thrifting with my mom last week and came across a lazy susan begging to be made pretty! since i’ve been on my yellow kick lately–i thought that was a good place to start.

here’s the ‘before’. blah, boring, heavy 70’s dark wood.

i thought this was going to be a piece of cake project, but nope. it took about 5 coats of paint to cover the dark wood. then halfway through i started to question my choice of yellow. i was seriously tempted to throw the whole thing in the trash and call it a day. but i plugged along.

now it’s sitting on my kitchen island with sweet daisies, fresh fruit and napkins. adding some happiness. you can see our kitchen chairs are lime green and my aqua, reupholstered chair in the background.

can you tell i’m ready for spring? how about you?


  1. I LOVE these colors together! I’m a big fan of aqua. I’ve been thinking about changing up my living room, and this yellow makes me smile. I think a couple of cutie yellow pillows are just what the doctor ordered! Thanks for the inspiration!!

  2. That’s so cute. I love it! I’ve had 3 little, vintage white pitchersfull of white daisies on my mantle for a while now, because I am completely over all the snow in Minnesota this winter. And yoour post reminds me how much we need a lazy susan like that. I think I’m officially on the hunt now. 🙂

  3. So cute! I’ve got to say that I’ve never given yellow much thought, but after seeing your cute yellow shoes and the lazy susan, I’m giving it a chance. I even looked at shoes today and looked for the color yellow!
    Thanks for prepping us for Spring!

  4. Glad you stuck with it. Looks terrific!

    Yes, I’m ready for spring if it means getting over this terrible winter cold season! My two boys have had their fair share of it, too. We had a brief reprieve, enjoying wellness of a couple days and then my baby woke up last night with a 104.3 fever! Go away germs! Come quickly spring!

  5. Oh I love this post for so many reasons! The bright colors are so fun and I’ve been dying to see more of your house so I am so excited to get a little peak into your beautiful kitchen!
    Love that aqua chair in the background and all the colorful fruit in the bright bowls! I am SO ready for spring too!

  6. Hi Lisa,

    I love yellow and I love daisies — and yes I am ready for spring!!!

    have a great day!

    P.S. all your jewelery creations are SO wonderful – so sweet – wish I could shop endlessly!

  7. I am a summer girl. Always have been, always will be! I love bright, cheerful colors all year long! I love the yellow lazy susan! Your daisies, are quite cheerful too, I’m thinking I may need to get some for my kitchen as well!

  8. I am always amazed at how you can re-do items! I am intimidated by painting wood…especially if it is finished wood. I get caught up in whether it needs primed or sanded or any other tedious prepping!

    What a GREAT project! And it makes your kitchen that much brighter!

  9. lovely. I am ready for the smell of flowers, and the green grass under my feet and warm vegetables off the vine. i miss them, and i am ready for their return. I am sooo ready for spring. no.more.snow.please.

  10. I’m SOOO ready for spring too! I just don’t have the urge to bring out the spring decorations yet though. More snow needs to melt first 🙂 I have a bin full of spring/summer stuff I’ve been working on that I can’t wait to decorate with.

  11. That is too funny! I left your house the other night thinking that I really needed one and I was wondering where you got it from. 🙂

  12. So cute as always! Gotta see some pics of projects that didn’t turn out. Can’t imagine any of yours ending up in the trash…. you just have da nack for all things crafty.

  13. Love what you did with it! My lazy susan is plain unfinished wood… I love the idea of painting it!

    Soooo ready for spring! The post up on my blog right now has a few pictures of the ice storm we had this week — springtime, where are you? 🙂

  14. truly SPRING inspiring… in my neighborhood (AG), the damp fog, gray skies and chilly air make SPRING seem months away! sipping a cup of tea while “peeking” in your kitchen is such a treat!
    Enjoy your day!

  15. lisa, i love it! and it’s bit ironic that you posted this today…i have an old ikea lazy susan (a bit lighter wood) that is on my to-do list today! i was thinking of painting mine with stripes. i like how your edge is distressed…did you sand it?

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