I’m so glad you’re you.

for david…

I’m so glad you’re not like I expected you to be.

I’m so glad you have your own passions and hobbies.

I’m so glad you came along and turned everything upside down.

I’m so glad you aren’t perfect. I’m not either.

I’m so glad you changed my idea of what’s beautiful.

I’m so glad you showed me how to be a mom.

I’m so glad you love to be silly.

I’m so glad you’re you.

Because you are truly amazing.


  1. This touches my heart as I too have raised a very precious special kiddo. He’s 28 now, still at home with me, wasn’t supposed to live 1 year! God is amazing!!!

  2. My thoughts exactly!! My youngest child came with a lot of unexpected-ness and it hasn’t always been easy but it’s always been worth every minute.

  3. So incredibly sweet. I think as mothers we all feel this way sometimes and we can all learn from each other and from our children.

    Our children challenge us to be better versions of ourselves, but also show us that it’s okay not to be perfect.

    Such a beautiful poem and photo <3

  4. I feel as if I need to print this out and read it everyday. I’m just beginning journey of being a mom of a baby with special needs. I think I’m
    still mourning but am learning everyday about myself and how amazing my son really is. I’ve followed your blog for a long time and have a few of your pieces but now you are even closer to my heart! Plus we have the same last name!! High fives all around!

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