1. Ha! I was going to comment that “hey, I didn’t know she was your twin” and “gee, what a talented, creative family” but I guess a few other readers beat me to it 🙂

  2. I have been a faithful reader of flipflops and applesauce never knowing it was your sister! what a small world. I also just got my new issue of Victoria and saw your jewelry. I was telling my mother about this blog I read and the girl making jewelry just like that! It was you!! I just needed to read it, rather than looking at the pictures. (so three-year-old of me!) So good to see you growing and growing! I am hoping for one of your pieces for my birthday coming up! 🙂 I’m working on that…

  3. …flipflops and applesauce brings lots of happiness to our house – SO many fun "memory-making" activities – LOVE IT!!! I'm also wondering how your mother raised two such creative & artistic ladies- I'm curious about what kinds of things you all remember about your childhood that you think probably fostered these amazing gifts of creativity!! I want to make sure that I foster it in my own kiddos (flipflops and applesauce is contributing to that, I think!)

  4. Is it like a superpower that twins have, to be this creative? What did your mom feed you two when you were little? Maybe your mom needs to blog! 🙂

  5. Very cute..another great blog that I will be addicted to..lol! God has really blessed your family with talents and gifts.

    By the way, I love the necklace that my husband gave to me for my 30th birthday last week. I told him that I dream about how many more of your necklaces I will have in the next 30 years. Thanks again!

  6. I didn’t know she was your twin! And she has twins also? Wow! I care for 4 cute little boys daily. Two are a set of twins 🙂 We look for ideas on Flip Flops and Applesauce 🙂

  7. I absolutely LOVE Flipflops and Applesauce. I can’t wait until Archer is old enough to do the fun, creative activities. You guys amaze me!

  8. I love flipflops & applesauce. Didn't know it was your sister. That makes sense though. Both of your blogs are lovely. Inspiration must run in the family 🙂

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